We appreciate the great topic suggestions that our readers send us. Many of our readers ask us about unapproved treatments for IPF. Unapproved means not sufficiently researched or approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Stem Cell Infusion Over the years I have talked about the dangers of these “treatments”. The most … [Read more...]
Vaping Danger: Pulmonary Implications
Unless you have turned off all your electronic devices, stopped reading the newspaper and have no functioning television then you have probably heard that electronic cigarettes or vaping is really bad for your health. In fact, there is a small epidemic of users of these products that are getting hospitalized with life-threatening breathing problems. It … [Read more...]
I Have A Family History Of IPF, Do I Have IPF?
This stressful question is on the minds of any patient who has a first degree relative with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF). Our readers often ask how they can know for certain that they don’t have IPF if a parent or a sibling has the disease. Most IPF Isn’t Familial The majority of patients with IPF don’t have familial … [Read more...]
I Can’t Sleep – Dealing with Insomnia
Difficulty with sleeping is a very common problem. Hundreds of millions of people around the world struggle with poor sleep quality. The problem is even more common for people with health problems, including lung disease, pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension. Insomnia, the technical term for trouble sleeping, can be divided into several categories. Patients may … [Read more...]
Interstitial Pneumonia with Autoimmune Features
Interstitial Pneumonia is a term used to describe a large family of non-infectious lung diseases. The most common entities include non-specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP), hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Less common members of this family include acute interstitial pneumonia (AIP), respiratory … [Read more...]